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Began modelling a basic room in Blender. Determined the correct procedures for simple modelling, UV mappping, and texture application in a format that can be easily exported for use in the 3D game engine. Loaded test scene into engine for confirmation and tested how things look with basic lighting.


Aquired a legnthy music score from a dear friend, Ben Rocap. It is an excellent piece of work and will serve as the as the basis for Fling's Soundtrack. Coming soon, the individualized soundtracks for the title screen, different levels, and the end credits!


   We are in the process of creating title screen demos for this months project member update. A series of Youtube videos will be uploaded of the various demos to allow Beta team employees to upvote the ones they like best. A list of links to the various videos appear on the right.


 Continued work on the Sprite class. Added Object Array support so the Sprite class can be used in an array format. This will allow groups of sprites to be updated, drawn, and maintained all at once through a simple array loop. This is suited for drawing and updating a large, tiled background for the character to wander around in, or something like a "starburst/firework" effect where particle simulation is needed.



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